Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have always been intrigued by blogging, but have never felt that I had the knack for it. However, I have recently changed that thinking… My mind is swimming with thoughts, and I feel there is no greater place to let them escape than right here.

Blog #1 of hopefully many to follow…..

Mommy of one. Full time car dealership receptionist. Student on a break.

That pretty much sums me up right there.

The most important of those three is the first:

Mommy. Of. One.

I have a happy, healthy, loving, energetic 11 month old son.

He makes my life complete.

Who was I before he came along?

I mean seriously... I can't remember. Well I suppose I can.

I was a young, carefree, let’s have a good time type of girl. I didn’t focus much on school. I enjoyed going out for a beverage or two every now and again. And nowhere in my mind was a baby.

Well, things change in the blink of an eye, at the speed of light, right before your eyes.

My baby boy has changed my life in such amazing ways.

I went from a 21 year old little girl, to a 21 year old full time mother.

Sure it is taking me a while to find where I truly belong, but this little boy is helping me grow into the person that I am supposed to be.

I have struggled with a lot this past year, but AJ has always brought me back to center.

He has made life worth living.

He has helped me to see that my calling in life is to be a mother. I’m good at it. I truly, whole heartedly love it.

My days as a mommy are filled with: boogers, poopie diapers, nummies, kisses, cries, snuggles, Sesame Street, Goodnight moon, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The never-ending amount of love that I receive from that little boy makes each and every day work waking up for.

It is hard to remember who I was before he came along, because now my eyes are focused on making my decisions for the future, the best decisions for AJ’s future.

My little Mr. is THE biggest blessing in my life. He brings joy to my heart.

The number one thing this boy has taught me is to never take a moment for granted. The small things in life are what make it important…

Cheers and Love


1 comment:

  1. Great first blog post!
    I agree with you...who were we before we had kids?! It doesn't matter now, what matters is the futures we are molding for us and our children. Good luck Sam :)
