Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weekend To Do!

It's hard for me with my hours at work to really spend quality time with Aidyn during the week, so I am going to take full advantage of my weekends with him! Here is a list of must do activities for me, my little man (and whoever wants to join) to do together!

1. Go to the Minnesota or Como Zoo as many times as we can.
2. Walk around Cleary lake and play at the playground every Sunday morning.
3. Finger Paint

4. Jump in puddles
5. Have a concert with pots pans and wooden spoons
6. Ride on a boat
7. Go swimming
8. Blow Bubbles

I also found lots of great ideas to help his fine motor skills! I'll have to do blogs on all of the fun activities we do together :)

If anyone has anymore fun things for me and the little man to do feel free to leave a comment!

Gosh he is cute!

Dragging on...

My life feels as if it is dragging by. Not that I necessarily want it to go 100 mph, but it's as though I am trudging through thick mud with no sight of solid ground.

I keep wishing and hoping that my life will just fall into a perfect place, but I know there is no perfect, and in time things will fall into place.

I am trying to remind myself that 22 is young and I have plenty of time to get to the place that I want to be in life. But right now, in the moment, I feel as if I'll be stuck here forever. I know every trial in life comes with a lesson, and with that lesson comes an understanding of why that lesson was given to you. So I guess all I can do is wait it out and try to understand what good things will come to my life because of it.

Found some quotes from the lovely Pinterest to remind me to live for myself, and that things WILL get better.

P.S. Sorry for the depressing post... I promise the next one will be better!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Need A Laugh?

I needed a laugh today, so I decided to share a few things that made me giggle. :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ten Secrets...

Ok, ok. I know that I am seriously struggling on keeping up with blogging, but my life at the moment is one big jumbled mess. {I'm working on putting it back in order.}

But I have a little time to squeeze out a blog so I'm going to finish my 10 {going on 30} Day Challenge.


10 Day You Challenge {Day Ten: Ten Secrets}

1. I have no idea how to do hair or makeup. I usually straighten my hair and go, but I will be experimenting more now that I found a fantastic stylist who encourages me to! :-)

2. I want a huge wedding. I have always wanted a big church with beautiful stained glass windows. A long isle. A beautiful dress. A cathedral veil. Tons of flowers. & Of course my prince charming. I want it all.
 {I dream big, so sue me.}

3. I would be a stay at home mommy over any other job if I could.

4. I live in flip flops during the spring/summer and UGGS in the fall/winter. I own a few pairs of tennis shoes that have been worn maybe two times each.

5. This isn't really a secret, but incase someone doesn't know, I will do anything for my baby. He is my entire world.

6. I want to live in the country with at least 10 acres of land. If I had my choice I would have a house surrounded by green grass and tall trees, maybe even a pond out back :)

7. Ever since my mom's co-worker {and our good friend} adopted a great dane, I have wanted one. I know they have medical problems but I am so in love with them. They are beautiful creatures!

8. I know nothing about politics. I won't pretend that I do. I do my homework before I vote, but I could never carry on a conversation with someone about it.

9. I try not to hate people, but there is one person in this world that I can say I truly and utterly hate. I know that you aren't supposed to hate people, but no matter what way I look at the situation, the feeling is the same. {hopefully one day I can let that hate go, but it will take time.}

10. I have a crush on Adam Levine. He is on my 'list'. :)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nine Loves

10 Day You Challenge {Day Nine: Nine Loves}

1. Aidyn James Kopas: The one and only love of my life!

2. My Family {for some reason it won't upload the one of my Dad and I}

3. My Best Friends

4. My Puppies!

FYI Murph is licking him NOT biting him :)

5. Wine... I really enjoy a good bottle :)

6. Hockey. It has always been a big part of my life (it is how I met Andy :)) I also love watching the game, and hot boys don't hurt either!

7. Being on the lake. Sun, water, friends and a beer in my hand. Bliss.

8. Beer League Softball. I love going to watch! This year may be a little different with a 1 year old running around...

9. Weddings. I probably should have been a wedding planner :) I love everything about them. The flowers, THE DRESS!, being in a room filled with love, and of course the party!

Perfection <3